deleted.282's recent topics

Posts0Likes0Joined4/9/2018LocationChicago, Illinois / US
Other Indonesian, Spanish

Maybe I'm just dense, but often when I see the description "Discuss anything you want in any language you want, other than English," it suggests to me that I can discuss any topic except for the subject of the English language!! Perhaps a less ambiguous replacement could be, "Have discussions here in any language but English."

Posts0Likes0Joined4/9/2018LocationChicago, Illinois / US
Other Indonesian, Spanish

Hi! Realized today that usually when I see "support" in the sender field, it makes me think that I'm getting a response to a help ticket. I suspect there's a way to change the name of this email address to "Language Tools," even if the address remains

Posts0Likes0Joined4/9/2018LocationChicago, Illinois / US
Other Indonesian, Spanish

Ahora estoy leyendo una compilación se llama Un Día Sin Inmigrantes. Es un poco difícil porque ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que yo estudiaba español. 

Vocabulario y expresiónes:

gozar - to enjoy (Aquí gozamos del apoyo de dos senadores")

llevar a cabo - to carry out (Las marchas se llevaron a cabo pocos días después de que el Senado falló en su primero intento de aprobar un projecto de ley")

intento - attempt (not intention!)

hubiera querido - ("Hubiera querido ver la participación de patrones de las industrias afectadas")

en cambio - instead - actually more like "on the other hand" 

tienen mucho en juego - they have a lot at stake ("Tienen mucho en juego en términos económicos y laborales.")

Posts0Likes0Joined4/9/2018LocationChicago, Illinois / US
Other Indonesian, Spanish

Hi! Some first impressions from registering and setting up my profile. These options have inconsistent capitalization and could use an "other" option if you're going to make it mandatory. "Source" should also be called something like "How did you hear about us?"

It seems strange that the display name wouldn't accept spaces - perhaps it should say that up front. 

I found a strange option in the list of countries while setting up my profile. 

 I noticed that the default sex was "male" - would be better if it were neutral to start. 
